Amelia Schaer was born on May 17th. She was born prematurely at 28 weeks old and weighed only 650 grams at the time. For her protection and health, Amelia had to remain in NICU.
This was an incredibly difficult time for the family. They had no choice but to find a last-minute place to stay so that they could be near their child at Mount Sinai hospital for treatment. Having to find flexible, low cost, quality accommodation on such short notice was proving very difficult. Furthermore, this situation worsened as the COVID 19 pandemic was now beginning with other housing providers closing down including the Ronald McDonald House.
There were almost no options available to us due to it still being in the early stages of the Covid-19 crisis.
- Amelia's Parents
Fortunately, their social worker informed them of StayWell’s services and they were able to find a comfortable place to stay in a time that they needed it most:

StayWell is happy to have helped Amelia’s family and encourages others to donate and spread awareness so that we can continue to help those in need.